Sunday, June 4, 2023

Military Time Chart – Understanding the 24-Hour Clock


The military time chart is a system of keeping time that is commonly used by the armed forces, emergency services, and other organizations that require precise timing. This system uses a 24-hour clock instead of the more common 12-hour clock used in everyday life. While it may seem intimidating at first, understanding military time can be useful in many situations.

What is Military Time?

Military time, also known as a 24-hour clock or astronomical day numbering, is used to represent the exact time. It's based on a system of counting hours from zero to twenty-three (0-23) and minutes from zero to fifty-nine (0-59). The numbers are separated by colons ":" between hours and minutes. For example, eleven thirty pm would be represented as "23:30" in military time.

Converting Regular Time to Military Time

To convert regular AM/PM time to military or 24-hour format you just need to add or remove some numbers. If it's before noon just leave it as it is for example '11:30am' would convert to '11:30'. If it's afternoon/evening you add +12 which will give us an hour past Noon/Midday for exaple '6:00pm' positive twelve equal eighteen ('6+12=18'). So converting '6:00pm' would result into '18:00'. You could use similar logic with any other given times.

Advantages of using Military Time

  • No confusion: With a standardized format using four digits instead of words or am/pm designations ensures there no room left for confusion.
  • Easy and clear communication: Clear and concise communication is always important, especially when it comes to time-sensitive tasks. Military time allows for all parties involved to easily identify exact times without the risk of misinterpretation or error.
  • Global standardization:Military time is a universal system that makes sure that everybody understands exactly what point in the day it is regardless of their native language or region. This is extremely helpful for organizations with staff spanning multiple countries and languages.


The military time chart offers several advantages over the standard 12-hour clock used in everyday life. It provides a global standard, eliminates confusion and mistakes, and simplifies communication during emergency situations for example. While it may take some practice to get used to, converting regular time into military or 24-hour format can be a helpful skill worth learning not only for those working in emergency services but also anyone who frequently communicates across different regions around the world on daily basis.

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